Comments on: Brilliant Piece of Direct Mail It's Just Links Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:47:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Spencer Tony Spencer Tue, 25 Jul 2006 15:54:40 +0000 No, the package didn't really appeal to me as I already have an 8Mbps cable modem ISP and they don't offer that level of speed. I do a lot of crawling from home. :) No, the package didn’t really appeal to me as I already have an 8Mbps cable modem ISP and they don’t offer that level of speed. I do a lot of crawling from home. :)

By: greg greg Tue, 25 Jul 2006 14:59:09 +0000 Did it make you re-order your service? Did it make you re-order your service?

By: Russ Russ Tue, 25 Jul 2006 13:12:32 +0000 Reminds me of the marriage invitations Cingular and AT&T wireless sent out a few years ago when they merged. Reminds me of the marriage invitations Cingular and AT&T wireless sent out a few years ago when they merged.
