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Marketing the Google Video Angle

January 28th, 2006 Tony Leave a comment Go to comments

Google Video
There is no doubt that video.google.com is going to be a success story despite the negative press this week. My good buddy str0ud pointed this poker affiliate video out to me this week. This thing is done really poorly but I think the guy is bleeding edge. Although his shot of the luxury cars is far too short at only 1 second and he doesn’t even tag his URL once in the video, and his video is amateurish and ends abruptly, he is still the first to market and does a nice job of showing off his leased vehicles and Cessna.

Now I know that I’m probably one of the techie few that actually visit Google video but I also know that I regularly show cool stuff that I find there to my wife, friends, and family and they are totally sucked in.

So what is the future of marketing and Google video? Well str0ud has piqued my interest and we are certainly going to move in the direction of producing a series of videos. Afterall, I don’t imagine that its that hard to manipulate the ‘Popular’ section thanks to HTTPClient. :)

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