
Archive for April, 2006

Firefox Universal Binary Deer Park is Blazing Fast

April 3rd, 2006 Tony 2 comments

I’ve been kind of bummed lately because I felt like Firefox was pretty sluggish on my Macbook Pro. I was certain I had installed the univeral binary build but tonight I really began to suspect I had not selected the native code. Firefox seemed really slow and it was using a large chunk of memory (250MB). So I killed Firefox, dragged it to the Trash Can (gotta love that :) ), and downloaded the latest build of the native Firefox universal binary codenamed Deerpark. Immediately I realized that indeed I did not previously select the UB because the icon was different.

I fired it up and tried a few sites. Amazing! This thing is screaming fast even with my extensions installed. I swear its faster than Safari and certainly faster than Firefox on my phatest PC. Also memory usage dropped to 50MB. Deerpark only takes about 1 second to start versus about 7 seconds on the non-native build. The best part is that all my extensions and bookmarks remained entact. I love you Steve Jobs.

Categories: Switching to Mac Tags:

Hillary for President? She’s Got the Domain for it

April 1st, 2006 Tony 12 comments

I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this but I was messing around with some WHOIS searches and discovered that Hillary Clinton has prepared herself for a possible presidential campaign in 2008. Although Hillary has publically stated that she is focusing on her senate re-election bid and not thinking of a presidential bid, she has secured the domain

The whois contact information on is exactly the same as the whois contact for her current official domain

4711 36TH ST N
ARLINGTON, VA 22207-4302
703 536 1719 fax: 123 123 1234

They’ve even covered the negative “Hillary Sucks” angle by securing

Categories: Domains Tags: