Home > Search Engine Optimization > Movable Type generates duplicate content

Movable Type generates duplicate content

January 13th, 2006 Tony Leave a comment Go to comments

Here is another reason why I am beginning to loathe Movable Type. It generates static content rather than utilizing mod_rewrite. Unfortunately its also very messy with its static html generation never cleans up after itself.

Case in point:

I recently moved my ‘Black Hat’ category to the top level of categories. It used to be a subcategory of ‘Search Engine Optimization’. Rebuilt the site and checked all the referencing pages and everything looked cool. Nope. It left behind the old directory: /search_engine_optimization/black_hat/ which means that had I not manually deleted it I would end up with two identical pages spiderable by the search engines.

Damn I wish I could find time to migrate to WordPress.

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